Leap Motion, Oculus and Web GL

So I have been checking out leap motion and webgl examples and oculus and leap motion examples, and oculus and web gl examples. Now to combine all three!

Using Oculus with Web GL and Javascript

Chrome has a plugin to be used with the oculus and we’ve seen examples, only thing we were worried about is the motion tracking, using the movement of the user to control view. I’ve found someone who has created an add-on for this although described as hacky…  https://github.com/possan/oculus-rest/

Leap Motion with Javascript = LeapJS

I came across multiple examples of leap motion with web this article describes it in detail. What I am worried about is using the leap motion with the oculus (top down tracking) with web GL. Although with testing it looks like it’ll be okay… http://arstechnica.com/business/2014/04/building-a-gesture-controlled-web-game-with-leap-motion/

Other Interesting Finds

guidelines for leap motion ui – https://developer.leapmotion.com/documentation/skeletal/javascript/practices/Leap_Menu_Design_Guidelines.html

video of oculus and leap together – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVStONSozMI#t=53

In conclusion, we should be able to do what we want using leap motion and oculus. Whether we can use top-down tracking and the motion tracking. Which can both be worked around.

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