Catching up with Another End

Hi Blog! Sorry it’s been so long. About the time of our last post, the previous semester got incredibly busy. And then it was the holiday, and since then we’ve been working like crazy to get a great looking demo for our Project Status Presentations next week.

A lot has happened since November. Firstly.. We have a name! That’s right, “Another End”, as seen in the title. What else has happened? We majorly redesigned the game, then re-redesigned it back. We sat down and hammered out almost everything about the game. What does the player do? How does the story system work? These questions were all answered, and will be answered for you in future posts i’m sure. We’re in a pretty good place now. Ryan has transitioned full-time into working on the client, and I’ve taken over the server 100%. Matt is working remotely for the next month or so, but is still heading up the story and power system design. Zara is finishing up asset libraries and getting ready to kick off QA with Marco, who’s finishing up our interface and character designs.

In the last week, Ryan and I basically rewrote the entire game. He updated the client to the latest version of Three.js, and I reconfigured the entire server architecture to be more in-line with our original plans. Since the last post, we decided on, and set up, and successfully have been using a solution called ElasticSearch, which is not exactly a NoSQL database, but that’s what we’re using it as. We’ve finished designing the story system, and I’m just about to kick that off after I tie off a few things in the environment. Speaking of the environment – it’s looking great. In fact, why tell you about how the game looks when I can show you. Check out the screenshots below, taken from our Demo being shown off next week to our peers and supervisors (Click for higher-res):






We’re very excited about the progress we’ve made, and are extremely excited at what the game is going to become over the next 2-3 months!


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