We Have a Webserver!
As we got into the swing of things it was decided that a dev blog would be a good idea, which it is. However, a blog need a place to be, and we knew that eventually we would also need a website and a server to host our games back-end. We heard about DigitalOcean through one of our profs; it’s a wonderful place where you get a dedicated server with a linux distribution for you to use however you want. I was already thinking of moving my personal site to a droplet (as they are called at DigitalOcean) so over the last couple of days I setup the server and moved my site over. If you’re reading this blog early in our development stages, you’ll notice that the url is entity.ryanbottriell.com… and this is where we are going to live until we get far enough along to order a domain (so far entity is just a working title). More on the actual game to come!
P.S. if you think about joining DigitalOcean please help us out by using our referral link 🙂