The story of Another End centers around the character known as Entity, and the four "Glyphs" he created.
Originally all that existed in the world was Entity. After building the world and a tower to live in, he grew lonely and bored. So, Entity created 4 Glyphs to spread out and help build and maintain the world. He did this by splitting his powers between the Architect, Destroyer, Protector, and Illusionist. However, the Destroyer became dissatisfied with its role, and sparked a conflict which escalated to the Glyphs separating from Entity. The world has since been in a slow decay. In desperation, Entity created You, the Player, to seek out and reconnect the four Glyphs back to Entity.
When you play Another End, you'll never see the same world twice. That extends to the story. There are tons of stories to experience within the world of Another End, you'll just have to keep playing to see them all!
Become fully immersed in the world of Another End with the Oculus Rift VR headset. Feel the world at your fingertips by using your hands to cast out your powers using the Leap Motion controller.